👩✈ Annie學姐:愛爾蘭UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School
(學校小介紹:UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School是愛爾蘭 都柏林大學商學院系統所屬商學院之一,有「歐洲哈佛商學院」的稱號,是歐洲最古老的商學院之一、全球頂尖菁英商學院之一、歐洲MBA發源地、世界排名第13名、金融專業世界排名第24名。)
👩✈ Annie學姐:Marketing
👩✈ Annie學姐:Only Irish business school ranked top 100/ it's just simply one of the best
👩✈ Annie學姐: Smurfit provides a lot of different courses- more than enough- you'll be able to choose what you want and what you need./ Most of the professors have very interactive teaching style./ We have a lot of international students- most of them are from EU nations.
👩✈ Annie學姐: Expand your horizons- go travel, have a social life, enjoy being young, and make friends. These are the most valuable things in life.
👩✈ Annie學姐:Beware of Dublin's rent.. It's mental these two years lol